Board of Directors

The Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society is governed and guided by a dedicated Board of Directors. Our volunteer Board members bring a wealth of experience and passion to their roles, ensuring the Society thrives and continues to fulfill its mission. Each member is committed to promoting the study and appreciation of geology, mineralogy, and the lapidary arts within our community.

Meet Our Board Members

  • President

    Glenn Fiala

  • Vice President

    Ella Trimble

  • Secretary

    Jacqueline Parker

  • Treasurer

    Kimberly Fiala

  • Director (2 Year)

    Sherri Collins

  • Director (2 Year)

    Gina Malcolm

  • Director (1 Year)

    Holli Hinkle

  • Director (1 Year)

    Mike Hunerlach

  • Federation Director

    Teresa Johnson

  • Bulletin Editor

    Leesa Dixey

  • Librarian/Historian

    Laura Fierro

  • Show Chairperson

    Jim Hutchings

  • Juniors' Advisor

    Patty Holbrook

  • Field Trip Chairperson

    Gene Doyle

  • Past President

    Jim Hutchings

Bylaws and Standing Rules

The governance of the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society is guided by our Bylaws and Standing Rules. These documents outline the structure, responsibilities, and procedures for our organization. They ensure that we operate with transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Roles and Responsibilities


Provides overall leadership and strategic direction for the Society.

Presides over meetings and represents the Society at official functions.

Appoints committee chairs and is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Appoints officers pro tem in case of temporary absence.

Vice President

Assists the President in leadership duties.

Presides over meetings and represents the Society at official functions, when the President is unavailable.

Serves as the Program Chairperson and arrange events and presentations during the educational meetings.


Maintains accurate records of meetings, manages correspondence, and ensures documentation is up to date.

Serves as the Membership Chairperson and introduces new members and presents them with a New Member document.


Manages the Society’s finances, including budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.

Receives all funds for the Society and deposits them.

Issues checks for Society's expenses.

Maintains the Society's liability and property insurance needs.


Provide guidance and support for various Society initiatives and activities.

Participate in decision-making and policy development.

Federation Director

Acts as the liaison between the Society and the Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

Attends Federation meetings.

Maintains a file of pertinent information and reports same at Society meetings.

Bulletin Editor

Oversees the creation and distribution of the Society's monthly newsletter, keeping members informed about news, events, and activities.

Librarian / Historian

Manages the Society's library resources and maintains historical records and archives.

Librarian maintains a lending library, levies fines on members who do not return books, and purchases books.

Historian assembles and maintains a file of bulletins and documents yearly events.

Show Chairperson

Oversees the organization and execution of the Annual Gem and Mineral Show, coordinating with committee members, vendors, and volunteers.

Juniors' Advisor

Oversees the Rookie Rock Rollers program, coordinating activities and educational opportunities for junior members.

Field Trip Chairperson

Plans and organizes field trips, ensuring members have opportunities to explore geological sites and collect specimens.

Maintains a record of areas available for collecting.

Past President

Provides continuity and support to the current Board, drawing on experience and past leadership.

Attends business meetings and assists in the business of the Society.

Presides at meetings when both the President and Vice President are unavailable.

Board Meetings

Our Board Meetings are essential for planning and overseeing the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society’s activities, ensuring we continue to fulfill our mission and serve our members effectively. Here, you can find information about our board meetings, including dates, agendas, minutes, and how you can get involved.


Board members are elected annually by the membership of the Society. Elections are held during our educational meeting in November. We encourage all members to get involved in the election process, whether by running for a position, nominating a fellow member, or participating in the voting process. Your involvement ensures that the Society remains vibrant and responsive to the needs and interests of all its members.

Elections Timeline

  • Nominations

    Nominations for board positions are open from September to October. Members can nominate themselves or others. Nominees will be published in the
    October Society newsletter.

  • Voting

    Voting will take place during the November educational meeting. Each Society member in good standing is entitled to one vote per position.

  • Results

    Election results are announced at the end of the November educational meeting, and new board members assume their roles after the December educational meeting.

Join Our Board

Interested in taking a leadership role within the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society? We welcome enthusiastic and dedicated members to join our Board. For more information on how to get involved, please contact