Committee Chairpersons

At the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society, our Committee members are passionate volunteers who play a vital role in coordinating various aspects and activites of our organization. They are instrumental in driving initiatives, fostering community engagement, and ensuring the success of our programs and events.

Meet Our Committee Members

  • Sunshine Chairperson

    Heather Crane

  • Refreshment Coordinator

    Christine Davis

  • Hostess

  • Lapidary Shop Director

    Sherri Collins

  • Operations Engineer

    Sherri Collins

  • Silent Auction Chairperson

    Sherri Collins & Holli Hinkle

  • Webmaster Chairperson

    Jacqueline Parker

  • Exhibit Case Chairperson


  • Society ID Items

    Steve Todd

  • Craft Classes Chairperson

    Cathy Nelson

  • Parliamentarian

  • Bookkeeping Chairperson

Bylaws and Standing Rules

The governance of the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society is guided by our Bylaws and Standing Rules. These documents outline the structure, responsibilities, and procedures for our organization. They ensure that we operate with transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Roles and Responsibilities

Sunshine Chairperson

Send notes of good wishes to persons who are ill.

Send sympathy cards in the event of the death of a member.

Notifies the President and/or Secretary, and Bulletin Editor.

Refreshment Coordinator

Arranges for refreshments at Educational Meetings.

Maintain sufficient supplies to serve furnished refreshments.


Greets Society members and guests at the Educational Meetings.

Registers members and guests.

Arranges and performs Door Prize Drawings.

Silent Auction Chairperson

Arranges and conducts silent auctions at the Educational Meetings.

Submits donations and/or
money collected to the Treasurer.

Operations Engineer

Stores the Society’s property in the Society’s trailer.

Maintains a record of inventory and property stored or used
in all locations.

Informs the Board of Directors of any excess property requiring disposal.

Exhibit Case Chairperson

Sets up and takes down the Society’s exhibit case when shown at outreach events and other societies shows as approved by the Board of Directors.

Lapidary Shop Director

Oversees and coordinates the maintenance, uses and subscriptions of the Society’s Lapidary Shop.

Submits all donations and/or money collected to the Treasurer.

Forms and leads the Lapidary Shop Committee, comprising a minimum of five (5) Society members experienced in lapidary arts, with the following responsibilities:

  1. Assist and advise the Lapidary Shop Chairperson with shop and equipment usage.
  2. Assist and recommend repair or replacement of shop equipment.
  3. Evaluate lapidary material donations for acceptance.

Provides materials to Society events, programs, or initiatives, as deemed appropriate by the Lapidary Shop Committee.

The Lapidary Shop Committee shall serve for a term of one year, with the option for reappointment. At the end of each term, the Lapidary Shop Chairperson may review and, if necessary, adjust the composition of the committee.

Society Identification Items

Maintains an inventory of vests, shirts, patches and pins.

Sells such items at
Educational Meetings

Submits sales money to the Treasurer.

Lapidary Craft Classes Chairperson

Finds Instructors to teach Lapidary Craft Classes.

Sets up the Lapidary Craft Classes dates and time with instructor, announcing class and take registrations.

Properly opens and closes Society Lapidary Shop for the Lapidary Craft Classes.

Collects the Lapidary Craft Classes student fees, and pay instructor, and submits all Lapidary Craft Classes shop fees to the Treasurer.

Keeps Society members informed about future Lapidary Craft Classes in bulletin and via email.

Provides a sign-up sheet for Lapidary Craft Classes during the monthly education meetings and receive input from members on future classes.


Assists the President in interpreting Robert’s Rules of Order, Society By-Laws and Standing Rules pertaining to the operation of the Society.

Assists in running Business and Educational Meetings of the Society.

Bookkeeping Chairperson

Maintains, under the direction and control of the Treasurer, the books and records of the Society in accordance with the scope and size of the organization.

Reports to the Treasurer and Board of Directors, as requested, insights into projected and historic budget balances at prescribed intervals.

Supports the Treasurer in the preparation and filing of the Society’s annual Federal form 990 and other Federal and/or State tax filings on a timely basis.

Supports the Treasurer in financial and accounting research and reporting as may become necessary.

The Treasurer may serve as the Bookkeeper Chairperson in the event of an absence in this position.

Scholarship Chairperson

Initiates the publicity for
annual Society scholarships.

Coordinates with the participating academic institutions to solicit applicants

Reviews the applications and presents to the Board
recommendations for the awards.

Join Our Committees

Explore opportunities to volunteer with the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem and Mineral Society and become a Committee Chairperson. We welcome enthusiastic and dedicated members to join our committees. For more information on how to get involved, please contact or visit our Volunteer Opportunity page.