
Join the Roseville Rock Rollers Gem & Mineral Society and become part of a community dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of rocks, minerals, and lapidary arts. Whether you are a seasoned rockhound or just starting out, we offer a range of benefits and opportunities for all our members.

Drop by one of our educational meetings to learn more about the Roseville Rock Rollers and meet our members in person.

  • Adult Membership

    $25 Annual Dues JAN-JUN

    $19 Prorate Dues JUL-OCT

  • Family Membership

    $35 Annual Dues JAN-JUN

    $26 Prorate Dues JUL-OCT

    Two adults at the same address

  • Junior Membership

    $9 Annual Dues JAN-DEC

    Prorate not applicable

    Guardian must be a member

$10 Name Badge: A one-time charge and must be paid with new membership application.

Annual membership dues are per calendar year, January 1st - December 31st. New and renewal membership annual dues accepted during November through December are applicable for the following year.

$5 Assessment: Renewal membership dues not paid by December 31st will incur an assessment fee, applicable until April 1st.

  • Membership Application

    Download the Membership Application Form (PDF).

    Complete the form and mail it to our P.O. Box or bring to a meeting, along with your membership dues.

  • Payment Options

    Check: Make payable to Roseville Rock Rollers.

    Cash: Accepted in person at our meetings only.

    Card: Accepted in person at our meetings only.

  • Mailing Address

    Roseville Rock Rollers
    Gem and Mineral Society

    P.O. Box 212
    Roseville CA 95678

Bylaws & Standing Rules

Please review our Society's Bylaws and Standing Rules. These documents outline the structure, policies, and procedures of our organization and are essential for members to understand how our Society operates.

  • Field Trips

    Explore the great outdoors with fellow members on our exciting field trips to collect rocks and minerals from diverse locations. Our Society collaborates with the CO-OP Field Trip Chairman's Association to offer a wider range of field trip opportunities.

  • Lapidary Shop

    Gain access to our fully equipped lapidary shop, where you can participate in cabochon and craft classes. Members can also utilize rock cutting services and attend open sessions to work on their lapidary projects (not for commercial purposes).

  • Member Events

    Enjoy a variety of events throughout the year, including rock sales and special gatherings. These events offer members opportunities to socialize, learn, showcase their collections, and acquire unique materials for their projects.

  • Rookie Rock Rollers

    Tailored for our junior members, offering fun and educational activities focused on rock and mineral exploration. The Rookie Rock Rollers program is a great way for kids to get involved and learn about geology in an engaging way.

  • Library

    Access to resources at the Lapidary Shop, which houses a collection of books, magazines, and educational materials on geology, mineralogy, and lapidary arts. Call the librarian ahead of time, they can bring requested books to the meeting.

  • Scholarship

    Hosted by CFMS in August, Camp Paradise offers two 1-week sessions to learn lapidary skills, such as silversmithing, lampwork, enameling, and more. In the spring, we hold a scholarship contest exclusively for members.

  • Gem & Mineral Show

    Help with the organization and operation of the show, ensuring its success, and receive free entry and parking as a token of appreciation. Members can also display their collections, demonstrate their skills, and engage with the community.

  • Election of Officers

    The election of Officers takes place during the November meeting. Members interested in running for office can submit their candidacy in October. Get involved in shaping the future of our Society by participating in the election process.